
Wild Himalayan Cordyceps (3 grams)

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $74.99.

Wild Himalayan Cordyceps is one of the most profound and sought after herbs in the world.

It has been revered for millenia for it’s ability to significantly bolster life force, vitality, and longevity.

It is preeminent among compounds which nourish Jing, and is one of the only herbs to powerfully build Yin and Yang Jing.

It is often used for those who are recovering from injury or illness, and by those looking to achieve their own maximum and go beyond them.

See below for full description.

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Whole Wild Himalayan Cordyceps

Cordyceps Sinesnsis – Dong Chong Xia Cao


Wild Cordyceps is one of the most powerful and profound life-enhancing substances in the world.

Once reserved only for the Emperor, Wild Cordyceps has gained so much popularity that it has become incredibly scarce.

Everyone who understands the benefits of real Wild Cordyceps can see why it’s become one of the most sought after and highly valued herbs.


In traditional Chinese herbalism, there are three primary treasures of the body: Jing, Chi, and Shen.

Of these, Jing is the most difficult to obtain and cultivate, especially in modern times.

The bodily force known as jing, could be considered the foundation for all other aspects of one’s health and overall being.

There are very few substances which can be consumed which will actually grow an enhance Jing.

It is only the elite herbs such as good quality Ginseng, He Shou Wu, and Asparagus Root that are able to build this fundamental life force.

However, most all Jing-building herbs only support either the yin-aspect or the yang-aspect of Jing.

Cordyceps is unique in that builds both Yin and Yang Jing!

While that is true of all Cordyceps, (including the high quality cultivated variety) Wild Cordyceps does it to a much more powerful and profound degree.

It replenishes and grows energy more deeply and more powerfully.

One could say that it enhances your fundamental essence.


Many people say they experience it deeply empowering them at all levels.

It has been highly regarded as a tonic for both physical healing and spiritual growth.

Good quality Wild Cordyceps such as this is able to powerfully cultivate and tonify all 3 treasures in the body (Jing, Chi, and Shen).

Wild Cordyceps is perhaps only matched by very old Wild Ginseng in how powerfully it is able to transform the body and spirit.


As stated earlier, Jing acts as the foundation for all other aspects of the body.

When the Jing life force is fully nourished and empowered, it ‘overflows’ and enhances the functioning of nearly all other systems and energies.

This is why Wild Cordyceps has earned it’s prolific reputation, it truly nourishes the foundation of the body and allows it to grow in deep and lasting ways.

Just a few dosages of Wild Cordyceps can have a permanent benefit to one’s health, vitality, and longevity.

Consuming Wild Cordyceps can truly be a life changing experience.


This is a very rare and special product.

It is sources from Himalayan mountains, the preferred location for Wild Cordyceps connoisseurs.

Because it is so rare, I may not be able to get this product again in the future, especially at it’s current price.

The current batch we are offering is a very high grade of Wild Cordyceps.

They large, have been brushed to remove any dirt or debris, and nearly all the pieces are complete.

Cordcyeps of this quality is extremely rare and highly valuable.

It is inevitable that the prices for it will go up in the future, but I am currently offering it at the lowest in market prices so that as many people as possible can try this incredible super-herb.


Our Wild Cordyceps is packaged inside a sealed metal tin and wrapped with food safe tissue paper in order to preserve and protect this precious product.


How to Use this Product

  1. Tea – Simmer in a covered pot on a lower temperature for several hours to make an herbal extract. Strain and consume the liquid. Break up the Cordyceps into smaller pieces and simmer again at a slightly higher temperature. Repeat this process until you now longer are extracting anything from the Cordyceps. You can then either eat the remaining pieces or extract them in alchohol. This method can also be done including Wild Panax Ginseng to create a truly profound tonic.
  2. Tincture – Submerge the Cordyceps in alcohol for 2 months, stirring occasionally. At the end of the time, strain and consume the liquid. Take the remaining Cordyceps and boil them to make a tea. This can also be done alongside Wild Panax Ginseng and other elite herbs.
  3. Consume Directly – While not a traditional way to consume Wild Cordyceps, eating an herb is the most direct way to interact it with it. You may not get the full extraction of the other methods, but you will still imbibe all of Wild Cordycep’s amazing compounds and energies.